Utah Boudoir Photographer


Fire for the Soul

Hey Lover.


Body Love Boudoir sets my soul on fire. There is so much bravery and empowerment in choosing to do a boudoir session, and  the love you will find for yourself through this experience of accepting and celebrating your body is truly life-changing. 

I'm Lyndi, your photographer.
And I am SO excited that
you are here.

I have been in love with the feminine spirit and the magic of documenting our bodies  since the beginning of time, and through my self-love immersive boudoir experience you will learn the  to help you see yourself the way I see you.

Body love matters so much, and I can't wait to help you learn how to come home to
your body.

Collections starting at $800, payment plans always available.

During our shoot, I don't know
if you remember but you said,
"I feelso high right now."

And you were just shouting affirmation after affirmation and compliment after compliment. Minute after minute I held my head higher and higher. My smile got bigger and bigger. My back got straighter and straighter. I hope you know that some of the things you said to me, I had never heard from anyone before. And I hope you know that by the end of our shoot, I believed them!

I believed when you told me my legs looked good, when you said I was easy to pose, that I was beautiful. Lyndi, you're
literally saving lives.


Let's get


I am here to make you feel good.

Show you what I see in you.

You are magic. You are a warrior for whatever you have gone through. You are a light to those around you. You are a symbol for all women everywhere because you are freaking doing this. You might even be booking a boudoir session for your loved one, but this whole boudoir thing is definitely for YOU. It is your chance to take a deep breath in, and exhale the power you put into this world.   YOU DESERVE THIS.

There is so much that goes into a boudoir session and the whole experience you are about to start on, and I am just so damn grateful that you chose me to be here with you for the day you really fall in love with yourself again.



You don't need to weigh a certain number to love your body.

Read it Again.

You Are Magic

I see a lot of titties, and I've never met a pair I didn't like. Go easy on yourself.

come celebrate your sensual side